Friday 22 October 2010

Friday After the 1st Meeting

Reflections on the opening meeting of the Film Group

As I half-expected, the meeting wasn't as bad as I feared; trying to get the group to
a) focus and
b) to slow down enough to actually write the minutes

was a like herding a bunch of cats.

And we barely reached the point in the script when it went split screen --about 40% of the way through-- BUT we did have one 'win' moment, when we actually made a decision on how to handle that thorny little moment (for the benefit of any readers outside the group, the script has a section where the screen splits, and the audience has to watch two parallel narrative arcs).

So overall, even if we did need almost the whole two hours scheduled for the meeting, it was a start.

I've ordered thingy-Hurbis --the set text-- in the hope that it might start to give me a clue on how many pieces of equipment we'll need to use, and what the processes are. It was an eye-watering thirty pounds (even the Kindle version was twenty-three; wtf? It's an electronic copy!) but if it gets me through it'll have been worth it, I guess.

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