So our mission, intrepid reader, was to take a one or two page script and to work out what camera shots were needed. Then we needed to calculate how many different set-up positions there were for the camera.
Then, to test out the robustness of our calculations, we had to actually shoot stills using a test actor (so we picked Baylea, who hates having her picture taken!).
By folding them into a celtx file, and putting one still per shot, we then have an idea of how many shots are required.
This theory is slightly compromised by needing more than one still per shot for zoom shots. And to be honest, technical glitches mean that some of the text was lost somewhere along the line...but it does show what can be done to flesh out a script into a storyboard using still photography.
Unfortunately, celtx doesn't seem to interact at all with any programs available to Blogger, so after an hour and a half of trying, you'll just have to take my word for it...
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